Case study | Pure Shapes

Pure Shapes is a company that operates three EMS clinics – Electrical Muscle Stimulation – in Bucharest, Romania, and they came on board with our agency in January 2024. 

They offer a high end service, strictly based on Personal Training for busy people who want to get in shape but don’t have the time, knowledge and motivation to go to a regular gym, so they fast track their gains using EMS technology. It is very safe and efficient, especially for weight loss.

The company was in a particularly difficult spot when we started to discuss the project, as the previous marketing agency that was handling their Facebook Ads had had its accounts hacked, and consequently they couldn’t use Facebook for advertising for a few months. There was an urgency to the situation as January is the most important month of the season in the fitness industry to bring in new clients.

The first thing we did was to fix the issues in their Facebook Ads Platforms, then create ads and implement our CRM system which would handle the huge volume of incoming leads – aka potential clients. 

Since the ads were expected to bring in a lot of people, we needed to sift through the leads and only accept people who really wanted to improve their fitness, who were willing to pay a premium for services, and who were most likely to buy a monthly membership. In other words, ideal clients.
So we built a custom landing page containing a quiz, and only the people who answered the questions in a predetermined way were sent to the CRM where the client’s team would call and book the leads in for a paid trial session. 

In the first 4 months of working together, we’ve generated over 1000 leads for the company, out of which 150 have become active clients and have bought a recurring membership. Since these are cold leads, a conversion value of 15% is actually really impressive.

The company’s cash Return On Investment for this period has been 4.6x, and this is just from what their new clients paid in the first month. 

Since a client remains active on average for 6 months, their full Return On Investment was over 27x!

Thank you Gabriel Banutoiu and Pure Shapes for trusting us to be your ads partner!

„The guys at United For Leads have done something incredible, first they fixed our ads account and then they HALVED our CAC (cost per acquired customer). We literally doubled our business in just a few months!”
– Gabriel Bănuțoiu, Pure Shapes